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DogHouse ArtHouse is a 501c3 non-profit, 100% of all donations go to the care and re-homing of the puppies and dogs in our rescue.

We do not receive support from city, county or state goverments. Monetary donations are always needed and appreciated, but time and pet supply donations are very important too. Adoptions are just one way to help us, but it’s not the only way. If you can’t provide a forever home, please consider a donatation of money or supplies. Monetary donations can be in cash, check or online through our PayPal or Venmo accounts. A quick link for both online accounts are located at the top of the page. Another popular way to help is a direct payment donation to our veterinary clinic. We currently use Victoria Veterinary Clinic, the small animal clinic located at 4452 SW Moody St., Victoria, TX 77905 -- Phone: (361) 894-6868 - Just tell them it's for DogHouse ArtHouse Rescue. Donations are tax deductible.

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